Runny nose, pus-filled eyes, diarrhoea: young Misty isn't in good health...
1,800 kg
Dry food offered
1,800 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 09 May 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"In recent months, the prices of basic necessities have skyrocketed and this not only affects humans, but pets too. People are stressed, have less money to look after their dogs, so they prefer to abandon them. It's sad to say, but it's the reality... The problem is that I find myself with many more dogs to take care of at the shelter, and it's increasingly difficult to feed them and provide them with everything they need. Donations and adoptions are down significantly from previous years... I am doing my best, but I have reached my limit: I simply do not have the resources to provide for all these dogs!
At the moment, my dogs are eating cheap, low-quality kibble, supplemented with a little dry bread to keep their stomachs full. This is all I can offer them at the moment, due to lack of funds. I have enough for a few more days, a week at the most if I keep stretching the remaining stock, and still... My dogs are hungry, and I feel totally helpless. I can hardly keep my head above water and I'm so stressed that I can't even sleep at night. I keep thinking about how to feed my dogs but I'm running out of options... Honestly, we need a miracle at this point and I pray this campaign is it!"
"I have been reducing the dogs' portions of kibble for the last 3 weeks, to try and stretch the remaining stock and avoid running out completely. I supplement their meals with bread, but this is far from adequate and unfortunately is already causing problems. The dogs have become restless, bark excessively and are aggressive towards each other. They have also lost weight and new health problems are beginning to appear...
After all, it's not just humans who suffer from lack of food... it's animals too! Their bones become brittle and their health deteriorates. As for dogs who are already sick, it's even worse... It breaks my heart to see them suffer because I can't feed them properly; I consider it a total failure.
Sadly, the lack of resources does not only affect my dogs, but also those on the streets that I cannot save. The fact that I can't help a dog in need breaks my heart, but the current lack of resources leaves me no choice... In 15 years of working and living at the shelter I have rescued hundreds of dogs, but I have to say that the current situation is the most critical we have ever seen... The idea that this campaign could fail terrifies me, as it is the only lifeline for the dogs in my shelter, in my city, and for the future of my shelter."
"I found Romeo a month ago in the pouring rain. It was a heartbreaking sight: he was alone on the side of the road, clearly malnourished and severely emaciated. Romeo is also blind in both eyes, deaf and has joint problems. So he is particularly vulnerable... and yet he has been abandoned!
We are doing all we can to help him recover, but he is still very weak, and so thin that even one day without kibble could be detrimental to his health... If this campaign fails, Romeo's health will deteriorate, he will get sick and die... We need your help to avoid such an outcome!"
"Inflation is affecting my rescue considerably. I can't buy kibble anymore because prices have gone through the roof, while donations have dropped drastically. I am constantly stressed and often consider what I could cut back on - dog care, food, medication... Unfortunately, every item is essential and it is impossible to cut corners without affecting the dogs in our care! Our situation is so bad that I don't know how long we can continue if we don't get more help.
When my grandparents and I started this shelter, we thought we could manage without outside help. And for a while, we did. But unfortunately things have changed. Today, we need the generosity of others more than ever to make it happen, but in-kind donations are scarce and monetary donations even more so. My debt to the kibble supplier continues to mount and I fear I will not be able to feed my dogs at all if I don't pay it soon... Only this campaign will allow me to continue caring for these dogs that so few people care about..."
"I have been involved with the animals of my area for over 15 years. My family and I are all committed to this cause and together we laid the foundations of this shelter. My grandparents started it, my parents took over, and now my sister and I run it. It's a family affair that I'm very proud of!
We have rescued hundreds of animals since the shelter was established, and we are very aware of what is happening on the ground. I feed about twenty street dogs every day, and I regularly go around my neighbours' gardens to check on the living conditions of their animals. I help them as much as possible with what they need for their dogs: cages, deworming, blankets.
I also try to make the local population aware of the importance of sterilising animals to avoid uncontrolled reproduction. We have sterilised a good number of stray dogs in the village, but unfortunately the abandonments do not stop... I work tirelessly for the animals in my area, and I try to offer the best possible living conditions in the shelter. But even though I love each of my dogs and cherish every minute spent with them, I don't want them to stay with me forever... I would like them all to know a real life, in a loving family that will welcome them forever."
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Carmina, please invite them to contact us so we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Carmina's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Carmina's shelter or if you want to directly send her some kibble or a cheque, contact her on Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |