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Blankets for Roucky

Diabetic, old Roucky needs a special diet to survive!
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Blankets for Roucky
Diabetic, old Roucky needs a special diet to survive!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Diabetic, old Roucky needs a special diet to survive!

1. He has diabetes...

Roucky is a 14 year old cat, whose owners recently passed away. We took him in charge because he is diabetic. He needs two insulin injections a day, as well as an adapted diet...

2. With blankets, he could rest in a warm place

Old and tired, Roucky needs to rest a lot. A set of blankets would give him a comfortable place to lay down, while helping him easily retain his body heat.

3. We are facing a calicivirus epidemic!

This year we have had a lot of cats suffering from calicivirus. Some had to have their teeth removed, which was very costly. To continue to feed the 180 cats who need us has become complicated!

Association Les Chats Libres de la Canterrane
HLM La Canterrane, Bat C, N° 94
66300 THUIR
FR France
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