Poor Mila is so skinny!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Pedro is a cat of about 7 years old, who lives outside. Whatever the weather, he has nowhere to go. So the poor guy often sleeps in the cold and wet...
We don't know how it happened, but Pedro lost his teeth. As he can't chew the kibbles anymore, he gobbles them up and vomits them... we have to find a solution!
A set of blankets would bring Pedro some comfort and warmth on a daily basis. Not having to sleep on the floor anymore would be very comforting for him!
Given the current economic situation, donations are decreasing. We are forced to pay for food and blankets for the forty cats who need them. With the increase of the prices, the amount of money we have to spend is more than consequent...