Poor Attila suffers from chronic asthma!
1,800 kg
Dry food offered
1,800 kg
Dry food necessary
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Animal Webaction visited the site 10 June 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"The situation at municipal landfill sites is disastrous. No matter how hard we try to sterilize the dogs, new puppies are always born! It's discouraging... Lately, we've also noticed an increase in the number of stray dogs on the city streets. Many people abandon them at this time of year as they plan to go on vacation. Given this increase, we beg our supporters for donations of kibble so that we can at least help the dogs survive at least one more day, but unfortunately we don't get much...
We had to stop feeding the stray dogs almost a week ago. I still come to the dumps 3 times a week, to bring them water at least, but I notice that I'm already losing contact with them, they're becoming less and less sociable... I feel desperate, because I still want these dogs to recognize and remember me. Kibbles are more than food: they're my only way of building a bond of trust with them!
With temperatures rising, viruses of all kinds, such as scabies, also spread much more quickly, and dogs are full of ticks... Under normal circumstances, it's hard enough for me to prevent these diseases from spreading, but without kibble, it's even worse! Dogs need ticks to strengthen themselves, and I need kibble to be able to approach them, take them to the vet or give them the care they need. Without this campaign, these dogs are unfortunately doomed..."
"Adam was abandoned and taken to the dump by his owners. We found him there about 3 months ago, completely disorientated. He's very scared of people, barely letting me near him. It's clear to me that Adam has been mistreated by people, he's scared of everyone, and I still haven't managed to gain his trust. Taking him to the vet is a challenge, even though he's in very poor health.
His skin is irritated, his paws are bleeding from bacteria, probably streptococcus. Unfortunately, it's not going to get better on its own... Adam needs to recuperate and if I have kibble, I'll be able to visit him more often, show him I'm there to help, so I can catch him and give him the medical treatment he so desperately needs... But otherwise, his chances of survival are unfortunately very slim..."
"Our shelter is full and as we already have huge debts, we've started refusing requests for help and new rescues, because we can't manage financially.... What's the point of rescuing stray dogs if I risk keeping them starving in my shelter?
Everything costs twice as much now, kibbles are overpriced, even the poor quality ones cost as much as the premium ones, it's unbelievable! Right now, the dogs are eating average-quality kibbles. I started to reduce their portions a week ago and now I only have around twenty bags left, which is enough for 4 days. But for lack of donations, I'll have to stretch the few remaining kilos much longer than that...
The dogs are visibly more anxious, nervous and although there have been no fights so far, I'm afraid they'll become increasingly aggressive towards each other and start fighting if our situation remains unchanged. I'm even afraid I'll have to release some of the shelter's dogs onto the street... This prospect makes me extremely unhappy and scared. I don't know how to cope, I feel like I'm doing everything I can and even though I'm trying to keep going whatever difficulties come my way, today I don't know how my dogs will survive without this delivery..."
"Ricky is around 3 months old and was dumped at birth, along with 4 of his siblings. While his siblings are doing relatively well, Ricky is unfortunately showing symptoms of immune system failure. He suffers from calcium deficiency and a parasitic disease, probably demodex. He receives medical baths for this.
He needs several good portions of kibble a day to survive, but due to the current shortage at the shelter, I unfortunately can't get it for him... I'm really worried for him, this diet he's forced to follow at the moment is going to end up affecting his health, his growth and his already fragile immune system. It's not a good start in life for him and will have more serious consequences for his health when he's an adult dog, if he survives until then..."
"We mainly use Facebook to collect donations, and recently we've also been active on Instagram and TikTok to increase our chances. We're trying to alert our community to our situation and the imminent depletion of our kibble stock in order to collect more donations, but the vacation season has begun, so our donations have dropped accordingly... We're very limited financially, and can't provide enough kibble for all our dogs!
We already owe too much money to the vets, so we don't have any extra resources to devote to buying kibble. I'm constantly wondering whether I'm going to be able to feed my dogs, whether I'll be able to continue saving others, and how I'm going to manage everything. Today, the kibble situation is critical, and we also have to concentrate on other aspects of our mission, such as veterinary care, debt repayment, sterilization and the rescue of other stray dogs in our area... But we can't go on without kibble at the shelter! I pray that this campaign will be successful, it's the only solution."
"I've been helping animals in my area for many years, and I feel that little by little, people are finally beginning to recognize the importance of our actions and our rescue mission. Unfortunately, there are no stable volunteers at the shelter, no extra hands to help us. And since we don't have government support either, our efforts, however commendable, are not enough to cope with the scale of the stray dog crisis in Macedonia.
In spite of everything, I try to remain optimistic and rejoice in the little things. Year after year, we've managed to get through difficult times and save many dogs from death. That's a source of great pride and motivation for me. Seeing that at least one dog has been rescued from the dump and is now living with a loving family is enough to motivate me! I only hope that more people will lend us a hand, whether as volunteers, or by donating to us, so that we can continue to help as many animals as possible."
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Macedonia which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ivana, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Ivana's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to come to Ivana's shelter to help her or if you want to send her directly some kibbles or a check, contact Ivana via Facebook (note: direct help is under your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibbles The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibbles bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |