Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/07/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Octave

Victim of a stroke, Octave kept after-effects!
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Canned food for Octave
Victim of a stroke, Octave kept after-effects!

256 cans

256 cans

Victim of a stroke, Octave kept after-effects!

1. He had a stroke!

Octave is a 6 years old cat, that we bottle-fed when he was little, because his mother died of poisoning. When he was neutered at 6 months old, he unfortunately had a stroke. Since then his head is constantly tilted downwards...

2. Canned food would make it easier for him to eat

An easy-to-ingest wet food would help Octavian eat without difficulty, despite his disability. Such a source of protein would give him the energy he needs on a daily basis.

3. Everything rests on my shoulders...

There are few adoptions, but many abandoned cats outside. At the moment, I have about 40 to manage while I am alone. I often have to use my own money, they have to eat, poor things!

Association Chats Libres des Hauts Cantons de l'Hérault
22, rue des Petits Champs
34500 Béziers
FR France
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