In a critical condition, poor Yellow had to be hospitalised!
2,000 kg
Dry food offered
2,000 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 17 June 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
“The shelter is currently home to 324 dogs, and as always, that number keeps rising. It feels like a never-ending circle; every time I manage to find a home for one dog, there are always more that need rescuing! People just refuse to take responsibility for their dogs, or their puppies, and instead abandon them to the streets…
When it comes to food, I’m limited to low-quality kibble and there's simply not enough to go around. Feeding so many dogs grows more difficult each day... I have to cut back on their portions just so that every dog can have something to eat. But they aren’t eating their fill, they’re fighting deadly and it breaks my heart! In barely a couple days, I won’t have any kibble left…
Inflation has made everything more expensive, exacerbating my struggles. Kibble, medications, vet care - the costs keep increasing and I just can't keep up! The municipality keeps reducing their aid, while donations are declining. I’m handling it all alone and it’s exhausting and emotionally draining, having to constantly worry about how to keep my dogs safe from starvation…”
“Newly-rescued dogs, especially the bigger breeds, can't even reach a healthy weight with this dwindling kibble stock! The dogs are getting thinner, more aggressive, and fights over food are sadly becoming commonplace… This lack of kibble, its lack of quality, leads to disastrous consequences: malnutrition, weight loss, weakened immune systems, skin diseases, injuries and, unfortunately, even deaths in fights…
Many dogs’ lives are at threat: the shelter’s dogs, and particularly those recovering from illness or injuries, whose healing is severely compromised by the imminent kibble shortage. But also the street dogs; feeding them is becoming increasingly hard in such hard times… The shelter is almost at capacity, so taking more in seems impossible.
I feel helpless and sad, as I continuously struggle with procuring enough kibble… I don’t want to lose any more dogs! The shelter’s dogs, the 24 others I keep at my house, the 56 in foster homes, and the ones on the streets, they all depend on me to care for them and feed them… It’s my duty and I desperately need this kibble campaign to succeed!”
“I got a call about Miska a couple of days ago. She was on the city outskirts, big and “intimidating”: people were scared, some even threatening to kill her, mistaking her size for aggression. It was clear to me that I needed to act fast! I still don't know how she ended up there.
She was probably dumped, left to fend for herself. She was really scared, visibly underfed and incredibly skeletal when I found her… and also full of parasites. She has a long road to recovery ahead!
Miska is friendly with people, she loves to cuddle but she’s very scared of other dogs… What worries me most about her is her state of malnutrition. She’s too weak and needs to put on a lot of weight to get healthy, which is why this campaign is vital for her! If I can't get kibble, her health will deteriorate even further…”
“I’m overwhelmed with debts in more than one place, especially for vet bills and at the shop where I buy kibble - I can’t buy kibble from them anymore, as long as I don’t pay them back. Whereas various necessary shelter expenses have been postponed indefinitely: the cages and boxes are old and damaged, but I have no funds to repair them. I also have many sick dogs requiring costly special care and medication.
Donations remain really occasional and scarce; sometimes, when people help me with dog adoptions to other countries, they raise money for the shelter. But in Serbia, many shelters face the same challenges as mine and I’m not the only one who needs help… Besides, many people are too poor to afford to help. The municipality provides some food, but they've been reducing their aid.
I tried reaching out to other shelters and organisations for help or to take in some of my rescue dogs, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. If this campaign fails, the dogs in the shelter and on the streets will suffer; they won’t have access to food, shelter, or medical treatments anymore and the consequences will be horrible - sickness, death…”
“Rescuing a momma dog and her seven puppies was one of my recent successes. Earning her trust took days, but it was worth it: they’re all healthy now, awaiting loving homes. Seeing how the dogs I rescue manage to evolve, from street life to shelter, from fear to trust, is what keeps me going! When they get adopted into loving homes, it’s the most rewarding experience.
But the more dogs I rescue, the more I realise the gravity of the situation in our country. Rescuing feels like taking one step forward and two steps back, with so many dogs being abandoned, and too few getting adopted… I rescue many big dogs and they don’t get adopted much, while financial constraints in prospective homes make it hard to secure adoptions, overall.
I'm mostly alone, coping with the shelter’s various struggles. I’m the only one taking care of the dogs, every day is a fight for resources. I'm constantly short of kibble, medicines, and even manpower to keep the shelter clean. I lack local support, but I can't leave these dogs in danger and helpless. I'm determined to continue caring for them and do all I can to keep them fed.”
Animal Webaction has a logistics platform directly in Serbia, which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
“The association continuously calls for help and donations on our social media platforms… But it’s really hard to receive any kind of help these days. I reached out for help to other organisations, but sadly, whether they were shelters or breed-specific organisations, no one was willing to extend their support.
The urgency of our situation is frightening, the shelter’s overcrowded, understaffed, underfunded and the deadly fights that happened are a direct consequence of our lack of means… This campaign is our last hope to keep many dogs alive!”
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Kristina, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.
If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help the dogs at the Nobody's Dog shelter, contact us and we will put you in touch with Kristina!
If you would like to go to the association's shelter to help or if you would like to send some kibble or a cheque directly to Kristina, contact her via her association's page on Facebook (note: direct help is your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our +1000 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |