Poor Divine has very damaged hooves...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Tyson is a 14 year old cat, who tested positive for FIV. He still lives outside, in a very windy place. He goes down to the basement to be safe, but the atmosphere is very humid.
Immunologically weakened, Tyson has caught a very virulent coryza. In spite of the treatments, his nose is constantly blocked. He lost his appetite and became very weak.
Until we can catch him, Tyson could use a set of blankets. By helping him retain his body heat better when he sleeps, they would allow him to fully recover. His body would then be better able to fight the virus!
I have 200 cats to feed, but I don't have many canned food left. At the same time, people continue to give up their cats, so the number of needy cats is increasing. With the donations being at their lowest, the situation is getting really hard...