Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/08/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Bamba

Attacked by another cat, Bamba's eye was badly damaged!
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Blankets for Bamba
Attacked by another cat, Bamba's eye was badly damaged!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Attacked by another cat, Bamba's eye was badly damaged!

1. She was injured in a fight…

Bamba is a 9-year-old female cat who was attacked by another cat a few weeks ago. One of her eyes got damaged and became purulent. We took care of her and she is currently in convalescence until she recovers completely.

2. Blankets would help her rest comfortably

With a set of blankets, Bamba would have a comfortable place to lay down and rest. This would allow her to recuperate at her own pace and recover from what happened to her.

3. Our actions are limited…

Financially, we do not receive donations and the situation has become very difficult. As I was hospitalized for fifteen days due to a stroke, I was unable to fundraise. Furthermore, since my health is fragile, I cannot organize in-store campaigns as I would like…

Association Les Chats de Cooper
50 rue Roland mariage
60120 Chepoix, Picardie, France
FR France
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