Dehydrated and malnourished, the young Strong was found with a very virulent case of cat flu!
256 cans
256 cans
Pietra is a ten years old cat, who was released from mistreatment. She was living in a room of only 3 m² ! As a result, she developed neurological problems and balance problems, which made her fall regularly.
Pietra suffers from a malformation of her claws, which go into her paw pads. We have to disinfect her constantly to avoid abscesses!
Quality canned food would help Pietra to get her energy back in a healthy way. After all she's been through, this kind of food would be a great comfort to her!
We have a lot of old cats to take care of, which costs us a lot in veterinary fees. The food budget is also high, because of the increasing prices. Taking care of the fifty cats in the shelter and the 200 stray cats in need is getting really difficult!