Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/09/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
photo association

Blankets for Flash

Dental infection, FIV, struggling to eat: Flash has a fragile health!
photo association
Blankets for Flash
Dental infection, FIV, struggling to eat: Flash has a fragile health!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Dental infection, FIV, struggling to eat: Flash has a fragile health!

1. He has no teeth left…

Flash is a 10-year-old cat who has tested positive for FIV. Due to an infection in his mouth, he had all of his teeth removed and can no longer chew.

2. Blankets would keep him warm

Vulnerable and weakened by feline immunodeficiency virus, Flash is at a higher risk of getting cold and falling ill. With blankets, he could settle down and stay warm, protected from cold drafts.

3. We are overwhelmed!

Foster families are overwhelmed as we continue to receive urgent calls for help. Kittens keep coming in, but we have no room left… We don't know how to assist all these cats in need!

Association AMICAT (Protection animale)
Maison des associations, Avenue des Potiers
59500 Douai
FR France

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