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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/10/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Blue

Tested positive for FIV, Blue is struggling with respiratory issues!
photo association
Canned food for Blue
Tested positive for FIV, Blue is struggling with respiratory issues!

256 cans

256 cans

Tested positive for FIV, Blue is struggling with respiratory issues!

1. He has a fragile health…

Blue is a 7-year-old cat who we found with respiratory problems and a swollen throat. The vet thought he wouldn't survive, especially since he tested positive for FIV (which means he has a less effective immune system).

Nevertheless, his condition has slightly improved. However, he still needs to be monitored as he still has a small mass in the back of his throat.

2. Canned food would help him regain strength

To continue his road to recovery, Blue needs to regain strength. With high-quality canned food enriched with highly nutritious ingredients, he could replenish his energy. This would make him slightly less vulnerable…

3. We're overwhelmed!

Our foster families are overwhelmed as we receive continuous emergency calls. Kittens keep arriving but we have no more space… We don't know what to do to help all these cats in need!

Association AMICAT (Protection animale)
Maison des associations, Avenue des Potiers
59500 Douai
FR France

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