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Canned food for Thia

Damaged tongue, inflamed throat, immune disease: poor Thia is really not doing well!
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Canned food for Thia
Damaged tongue, inflamed throat, immune disease: poor Thia is really not doing well!

256 cans

256 cans

Damaged tongue, inflamed throat, immune disease: poor Thia is really not doing well!

1. She has major health issues…

Thia is a 3 or 4 year old female cat, affected by feline leukemia virus. Due to her weakened immune system, she has contracted a severe calicivirus which prevents her from eating. The back of her throat and tongue are highly inflamed. As a result, she requires injections of medication, which we are trying to space out by supplementing with homeopathy.

2. Canned food would help her regain strength

Wet food would be easier for Thia to digest than kibble. It would give her the opportunity to replenish her energy without too much pain, so that she can regain strength and become a little less vulnerable.

3. We're at a dead end!

We have an increasing number of cats developing health problems. As they can no longer eat kibble, they require specific nutrition… but we do not have the means to buy it! We have even had to stop taking in new cats…

Association L'Ecole du Chat Libre de Poitiers (Comité de Défense des Bêtes Libres)
1 place de Frontevault
86000 Poitiers
FR France

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