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Canned food for Grizette

Grizette is asymptomatic, but has stomach cancer: she needs a special diet!
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Canned food for Grizette
Grizette is asymptomatic, but has stomach cancer: she needs a special diet!

256 cans

256 cans

Grizette is asymptomatic, but has stomach cancer: she needs a special diet!

1. She has a mass in her stomach…

Grizette is a more than 10-year-old feral female cat who lives outside. Unfortunately, she has a cancerous mass in her stomach. Because she is very old and too wild, chemotherapy is not an option. Except for some fatigue, she shows no symptoms and doesn't suffer.

2. With appropriate canned food, she could regain energy without risk

To keep her condition stable, Grizette will need a special diet. Gastrointestinal canned food would be perfect for her digestion while providing her with precious vitamins. This way, she could spend her golden years more serenely.

3. We are constantly taking in new cats…

Between the abandonments and the new cats we take in, it never stops! We have also had some deaths: besides the pain of losing some of our feline friends, it has accumulated significant veterinary costs…

Association Association La Bleue

63570 Lamontgie
FR France

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