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Canned food for Soussou

Severe diarrhea has caused Soussou to lose a lot of weight...
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Canned food for Soussou
Severe diarrhea has caused Soussou to lose a lot of weight...

192 cans

192 cans

Severe diarrhea has caused Soussou to lose a lot of weight...

1. She suffers from persistent diarrhea…

Soussou is a 2-year-old cat who has been suffering from significant diarrhea despite the treatments received. As a result, she has lost a lot of weight and has gradually become weaker.

2. Canned food could help regulate her condition

A diet specially designed to help regenerate the intestines would be a great support for Soussou. With such canned food, she might see an improvement in her symptoms. It would also be an effective way for her to gain weight!

3. Sick cats represent significant costs…

We have many cats, some of whom continue to suffer from significant diarrhea or calicivirus. Paying for their care and providing appropriate food is very complicated. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Association Les Mimichats
1 chemin de la Micrause
30820 Caveirac
FR France

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