Poor Chance arrived with a gaping wound on his neck!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Kiss Me is a 25-year-old trotting mare and broodmare who ended up being retired. She would have been taken to the slaughterhouse if we hadn't taken her in...
In recent weeks, Kiss Me had lost a lot of weight and a mass had appeared under her belly. Veterinary tests revealed that it was an infectious mastitis, which requires her to be put under treatment.
With age, Kiss Me's teeth have started to deteriorate. As a result, she now struggles more and more to chew her food.
A diet rich in minerals and vitamins like pellets would help Kiss Me regain strength. Once moistened, she would have no trouble ingesting them. It would be a relief for her!
Since we don't have any grass, the horses are on hay all year round. Therefore, the older ones and those with health issues need to be supplemented. But with our small treasury, it's difficult for us to buy them pellets because they are becoming more and more expensive...