Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/10/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Simbad

Due to health issues, Simbad has lost all of his teeth!
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Canned food for Simbad
Due to health issues, Simbad has lost all of his teeth!

256 cans

256 cans

Due to health issues, Simbad has lost all of his teeth!

1. He lost his teeth…

Simbad is a 7-year-old cat who cannot absorb calcium in his body. As a result, he has lost all his teeth and can no longer chew.

2. Canned food would allow him to eat without difficulties

A soft and moist diet would be perfect to help Simbad. He would have no trouble ingesting it despite his lack of teeth. It would be a good way for him to replenish his energy and nutrients, in order to not further aggravate his health problems.

3. We are stuck!

Financially, donations have been very rare. The situation is therefore difficult for the association from a financial point of view. We hope things will pick up, but we will need help in the meantime…

Association Chats Libres des Hauts Cantons de l'Hérault
22, rue des Petits Champs
34500 Béziers
FR France
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