Viotti was heading for the slaughterhouse!
192 cans
192 cans
L'Ecole du Chat de Roubaix decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical.
Réglisse is a cat that we found on the street, in rather poor condition. After a visit to the vet, we discovered that he has diabetes. He therefore needs an insulin injection morning and evening, otherwise his condition could quickly become critical.
In addition to his treatment, Réglisse would need a diet adapted to diabetic cats. Such canned food could help stabilize his blood sugar levels, while allowing him to replenish his energy in a healthy way.
Previously, we had the ability to do more in-store campaigns, which often helped us out. But now, there are so many associations that it's no longer possible. Between the 132 kittens in foster care and the 700 stray cats we need to feed, we are overwhelmed!