Minette had such severe cat flu that she developed an ear infection!
288 cans
288 cans
Les Pattes de l'Espoir decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical.
Shine is a 4-week-old kitten, likely abandoned. She was found without her mum to feed her. Poor Shine was rather skinny and only weighed 400 grams!
Nutrient-rich, kitten food would allow Shine to eat her fill. It would be a fantastic method for her to gradually put on weight and catch up on her growth delay.
With the latest admissions, we find ourselves having to care for about a hundred tomcats. As it is no longer possible to hold drives in shops as before, you are our last hope for food and blankets!
Without these, we will be forced to purchase everything, significantly limiting our operations and potential new admissions...