Deemed too slow to race, Fred was destined for the slaughterhouse...
288 cans
288 cans
Les Pattes de l'Espoir decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical.
Orion is a 5 to 6 week old kitten, who weighed just half of what he should have when we found him. Poor Orion was suffering from ringworm, which greatly weakened him . Therefore, we are giving him a comprehensive treatment to assist him in his recovery.
Kitten food, being nutrient-dense, would be the most suitable for Orion. It would be a great way for him to progressively gain weight in order to catch up with his growth delay.
With the recent additions, we now have to take care of about a hundred tomcats. As in-store drives are no longer an option as before, you are our last hope to secure food and blankets!
Without this, we would be forced to buy everything ourselves, which would severely limit our actions and potential new intakes...