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Blankets for Panda

We found Panda while she was having an epileptic seizure!
photo association
Blankets for Panda
We found Panda while she was having an epileptic seizure!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

We found Panda while she was having an epileptic seizure!

1. She lived under strenuous conditions...

Panda is a cat about ten-years-old, who lived in a tiny house, with a person suffering from Diogenes syndrome. Even though she has now left that situation, she is still extremely timid...

2. She suffers from epilepsy!

We found Panda in the midst of an epileptic seizure. Each of these episodes leaves her greatly weakened. Therefore, we have a specific medication to give to her to prevent frequent occurrences of these seizures.

3. Blankets would create a comfortable space for her to recuperate

To allow Panda all the rest she needs to live with her illness, she could greatly benefit from some blankets. This will be a great space for recovery and staying warm through the winter.

4. I buy everything out of my own pocket...

We are overwhelmed by cat abandonment, with supplies beginning to run out. These are often sociable, healthy cats who don't understand what is happening to them...

As the association has no budget, I have to buy everything myself. From food and vet expenses to blankets, it's all a bit too much!

Association Association La Bleue

63570 Lamontgie
FR France

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