Onyx is having trouble breathing and has pain in his mouth!
1,000 kg
Dry food offered
1,000 kg
Dry food necessary
Faced with a general rise in the cost of living, feeding their four-legged companions has become a financial burden for many people. Soaring prices are exerting unbearable pressure... The annual budget for dog and cat owners in France is now close to 1,000 euros, with food expenses accounting for two-thirds of this sum!
Many people now have to count every penny, both for themselves and to feed their pets. For the most destitute, having a pet has become a luxury. This situation forces distraught owners to make the heartbreaking decision to part with their pets, as they can no longer meet their basic food requirements...
The price of kibble is soaring like never before. Following an already significant 40% increase, the price of dog and cat food continues to climb this year, to top the list of items experiencing the highest inflation. "It's the product that's gone up the most in two years!"
For all pet owners, and especially those of modest means, this is a real blow. For many, their pet is not just a companion, but their only source of daily comfort... This increase, which has to be passed on to every pet in the household, weighs even more heavily on their shoulders.
More and more people, unable to meet the expenses associated with their pets, are turning to shelters to ask for food aid. But shelters are saturated! They are overwhelmed by a wave of abandonments, a direct consequence of the current economic crisis. This summer's figures are distressing: some 16,500 animals were abandoned in SPA shelters across France, marking a catastrophic summer period once again...
Requests for abandonment are exploding: "Almost ten requests received today alone, all refused because the center is saturated. I've got over 80 dogs and I've only got three boxes available. It's a disaster," sighs the director of the SPA center in Orgeval, near Paris. These price hikes don't encourage adoptions either. Aware of the rising cost of providing for an animal, fewer and fewer French people are taking the plunge. The chances of adoption are dwindling for these many abandoned and disorientated animals...
We've been contacted by a large number of concerned Internet users, asking for our help for those struggling to feed their pets... In response, we have set up this kibble campaign. The aim is to alleviate the financial burden that kibble represents in the budgets of the poorest pet owners.
The food banks themselves are facing an unprecedented rise in the number of beneficiaries, and while needs are increasing, donations are falling sharply. The gap is widening... With this campaign, we are taking action to try to fill this gap, by enabling the most precarious individuals to continue to feed their pets and keep them close to them.
A special campaign, intended for food banks and associations that help the underprivileged. Thanks to its logistics platform, Animal Webaction can intervene and deliver kibble quickly in France.
If you represent a food bank and need help to support your beneficiaries and their animals, submit a request here.
- The kibble will be delivered to a food bank and reserved for needy individuals (means-tested).
- We will publish delivery photos.
- If the kibble is not distributed within 30 days, all purchases made on this campaign will be refunded.
« La SPA alerte sur un nouveau record d'animaux abandonnés cet été et la saturation de ses refuges », The Huffington Post, September 6, 2023. Available on : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/life/article/la-spa-alerte-sur-un-nouveau-record-d-animaux-abandonnes-cet-ete-et-la-saturation-de-ses-refuges_222706.html
« Inflation : le prix des croquettes pour chien et chat explosent, les abandons aussi », Europe 1, May 2, 2023. Available on: https://www.europe1.fr/societe/inflation-le-prix-des-croquettes-pour-chien-et-chat-explosent-les-abandons-aussi-4180956
« L'augmentation du prix des croquettes assomme les propriétaires de chiens et chats », Le Populaire, February 10, 2023. Available on : https://www.lepopulaire.fr/limoges-87000/actualites/l-augmentation-du-prix-des-croquettes-assomme-les-proprietaires-de-chiens-et-chats_14260383/