Difficult breathing, congested bronchial tubes, sneezing: Velcro often has relapses of cat flu!
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Rosa is a 24-year-old donkey, suspected of suffering from Cushing's syndrome. She is very bent over, struggles to walk and her coat is shaggy. Tests are underway to find out more.
While we wait to find out more about the cause of her worries, Rosa will need dietary supplements. Replenishing her vitamins and minerals would be perfect to allow her to regain strength before the winter!
With the torrid heat and drought this summer, we ran out of grass. Everything was completely dry! So we had to depend heavily on pellets to compensate... Without help, we will soon run out of stock! We need to act fast, as new donkeys are about to arrive, in addition to all those we are already caring for...