Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/11/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Toune

Poor Toune was so thin that you could see her ribs!
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Canned food for Toune
Poor Toune was so thin that you could see her ribs!

132 cans

132 cans

Poor Toune was so thin that you could see her ribs!

1. She was skeletal…

Toune is a 5-year-old female dog that we found in the woods this winter. Poor thing was so thin that her ribs were visible! Since she is very fearful, it is not easy to tame her…

2. Canned food would help her regain weight

A complete and balanced diet like canned food would allow Toune to replenish her energy. This way, she could regain weight and gradually feel more confident with us.

3. Many animals need our help!

We recently created the association to assist suffering animals. We already have around forty stray cats relying on us, not to mention all the litters of kittens, dogs, goats, and even donkeys… Your help would be truly precious to us!

Association Les Chatoyants
La redonde - 1 rue de dore
63500 Brenat
FR France

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