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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 11/12/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Gamin

Gamin is struggling to move around…
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Pellets for Gamin
Gamin is struggling to move around…

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Gamin is struggling to move around…

1. A hip problem inhibits his regular movement...

Gamin, a 16-year-old Breton draft horse, has a substantial frame. Due to sensitive hips, he struggles with mobility and is unfit for riding.

2. Pellets would be conducive to his wellness

To satisfy Gamin's substantial nutritional requirements, supplements like pellets would be ideal. By providing a host of minerals and vitamins, these would help him maintain his well-being on a daily basis. With the impending winter season, this would afford him a more placid outlook!

3. Hay alone is insufficient!

Our organisation simply doesn't have the means to purchase both pellets and hay. Despite the animals' health concerns and the impending winter, they require this support now more than ever!

Association Happy Horse Day
346 chemin du moure de la Violette
30490 Montfrin
FR France

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