Poor Grizou was left abandoned without any food!
288 cans
288 cans
Uggy is a 2-month-old kitten, suffering from a severe cold. His eyes are watering, he struggles to breathe and his nose is leaking pus. Because he isn't very hungry, he doesn't eat much and as a result isn't growing! So we have medication that we need to give him to help him overcome this predicament...
Tasty and appealing food would encourage Uggy to start eating enough again. It would also be a good way for him to take his medication. This would maximise his chances of catching up on his growth and finish growing in better health!
There are always many cases of abandonment and calls from people who find kittens. But as there are few adoptions and we lack foster families, we can't carry out as many new support actions as necessary. Especially since the kittens that come in are often in dire conditions...