Iris tends to lose condition in the winter, which makes her vulnerable...
288 cans
288 cans
Moza is a six-week-old kitten who was found all alone in a field. Poor Moza was heavily infested with fleas and riddled with white worms. Flies had begun to angrily swarm around him...
Moza is suffering from a severe case of cat flu. His eyes are full of pus, and he's incredibly weak.
Moza struggles to eat because he has ulcers on his tongue. Consequently, he finds it hard to put on weight and remains very skinny.
A tasty and palatable diet would enable Moza to eat again without experiencing too much pain in his mouth. This way, he would increase his odds of putting on weight, building strength, and properly growing in much better health!
There are always many cases of abandonment and calls from people who find kittens. But as there are few adoptions and we are short of foster families, we cannot take in as many new cases as we need to. Especially considering that the kittens who come to us are often in appalling conditions...