Having suffered a stroke, Gasper has been left with several after-effects that significantly hinder him...
200 kg
Pellets offered
200 kg
Pellets necessary
Poppy is a little piglet who's just three and a half months old. We're taking care of her and have dewormed her, but she has substantial dietary needs...
A rich and balanced diet like pellets would meet Poppy's daily nutritional needs. She could then continue her growth untroubled, without missing out on anything!
Right now, no workshops are possible at the association. With the crisis, people have less to give and visit us less often. This reduces the association's income...
On top of that, many people are moving and leaving their unregistered pets behind. An animal that's not identified can only stay in the pound for 48 hours... We're doing our best, but we can't save them all!