Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/12/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Sangha

Suffering from coryza, Sangha's eyes are very irritated...
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Canned food for Sangha
Suffering from coryza, Sangha's eyes are very irritated...

288 cans

288 cans

Suffering from coryza, Sangha's eyes are very irritated...

1. His eyes are greatly affected by a virus!

Sangha is a 3-month-old kitten suffering from severe cat flu. Despite receiving medical attention, he continues to cry incessantly, causing his eyes to become extremely irritated!

2. Canned food would provide him with much-needed strength during these challenging times

To gather the energy required to overcome this difficult period, Sangha needs canned food. Not only would this supply him with essential vitamins and minerals for his recovery, but it would also ensure he stays well-hydrated. A daily intake of nutrients would undoubtedly strengthen him and increase his chances of recovery.

3. With no in-store drive possible, our resources are extremely limited...

Overall, we're caring for 45 cats, which has meant making a great number of admissions. We also have to feed around a hundred street cats, which requires a fair bit of money that we simply do not have.

Unfortunately, supermarkets are not permitting us to organise in-store drives (they only accept ones run by the SPA). This leaves us with very few means of gathering food...

Association L'Arche de Ploum
25320 TORPES
FR France
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