Mistreated, Galinette suffered a head trauma and lost sight in one eye!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Mum gave birth to many kittens before we took her into care and sterilised her... She is worn out... but she remains extremely skittish. She does not let herself be approached, and neither can she be adopted.
However, this is not a reason to leave her to her fate. Everything we can do to help Mum must be attempted!
Mum lives in a damp area. This is far from ideal for her health. The least we can do is offer her blankets to provide a bit of warmth. This is crucial during this season: otherwise, she risks weakening even more while battling the cold!
We manage an area where many people abandon their cats. Currently, we are in the process of refurbishing all the cat houses. And this is having a significant impact on our budget.