Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/01/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Sila

Neglected by her mother, Sila is thin and weakened...
photo association
Blankets for Sila
Neglected by her mother, Sila is thin and weakened...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Neglected by her mother, Sila is thin and weakened...

1. Her mother has abandoned her...

Sila is a kitten living outdoors, most of the time fending for herself. She's still so tiny and vulnerable, and her mother has abandoned her. Without help, Sila won't survive as she's very skinny and weak!

2. Blankets would keep her warm this winter

In order to keep warm while we socialise her and find her a family, Sila needs blankets. They would protect her from the cold, and she wouldn't have to sleep on the cold, damp ground anymore. This would be a huge relief for her!

3. Our fundraising appeals are falling on deaf ears...

Things are tough right now, as we have a lot of other animals to cater for. Some require medical treatment; others need a special diet... But we're getting nowhere with our fundraising. Even though we organised a fundraiser to pay for sterilisation procedures, we haven't received a single penny!


Association Félin Pour L’Hôte
22 rue d’arromanches
34500 Beziers
FR France

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