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Canned food for Black

Dehydration, sticky eyes, loss of appetite: sadly, Black has contracted cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Black
Dehydration, sticky eyes, loss of appetite: sadly, Black has contracted cat flu!

288 cans

288 cans

Dehydration, sticky eyes, loss of appetite: sadly, Black has contracted cat flu!

1. He's sick!

Black is a one-month-old kitten that we found in a shop car park. Poor Black is suffering from a bad case of cat flu - he was dehydrated with his eyes glued shut. Not to mention his body is greatly weakened and he's lost his appetite!

2. Canned food could help him recover

To take advantage of his medicines and stand a better chance of recovery, Black would really benefit from a diet of canned food. Tasty and nourishing, it would help him recharge his energy levels to better resist the virus.

3. It's a nightmare!

Without any help or subsidies, our association struggles to stay afloat. I have to foot the veterinary bills myself and somehow find a way to feed a hundred felines... it's impossible!

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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