Garfield carries residuals from cat flu and a surgery: he can no longer groom himself...
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Cannelle is a cat who lives outside and has hearing issues. Marks from old wounds are still visible on her ears. We suspect that she is completely deaf, as she never hears us approach.
As a result, she is very apprehensive and spends most of her time cowering. As she lives on the streets, we are extremely worried that she may be hit by a car!
While we work on finding her a forever home, Cannelle could really use a set of blankets. This way, she could stay warm this winter, and would no longer have to sleep directly on the frozen ground.
Times are tough at the moment, as we have many other animals to care for. Some require medical attention, others need special diets... But nothing is moving in terms of donations. We set up a fund to pay for spaying and neutering, and haven't received a penny!