Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/01/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Carambar

Poor Carambar had to be amputated!
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Canned food for Carambar
Poor Carambar had to be amputated!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Carambar had to be amputated!

1. She now only has three legs...

Carambar is a one-year-old cat who got caught in a fox trap. Unfortunately, the injury was so severe that amputation was necessary. Since this incident, she has been very fearful of humans...

2. Canned food could help her regain trust

After enduring such an ordeal, Carambar will need to recover her strength. Canned food would provide her with the required energy to adapt to her disability. It would also represent a perfect opportunity to help socialise her and rebuild her trust in humans.

3. An unexpected turn of events...

We are shortly going to have to manage an additional 26 cats, following the relocation of the person who had been caring for them until now... This will no less than a hundred tomcats to feed in total. We will not be able to cope without your help!

Association Les Miss'tigris de l'Espoir
17c boulevard 1848
11100 Narbonne
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