Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/01/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Lizou

Struck by a car, poor Lizou was severely injured!
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Canned food for Lizou
Struck by a car, poor Lizou was severely injured!

256 cans

256 cans

Struck by a car, poor Lizou was severely injured!

1. She has multiple injuries...

Lizou is a cat of approximately 4 years, who was struck by a car. Her hind legs and hips have been fractured! She also has dislocation of her left front paw.

She is currently in recovery and is having significant difficulty with movement. We are giving her pain relievers to alleviate her discomfort...

2. She suffers from heart disease!

Lizou's heart does not function normally. Therefore, she requires daily medication. She also has a substantial lump in her belly... We will be taking her to the vet for a thorough examination as soon as possible!

3. Canned food would help to restore her strength

After what she has been through, Lizou will need to regain her energy. Canned food will provide her with the requisite strength to sustain her day-to-day activities, while we secure the funds needed for her surgery. It would also be a convenient way for her to take her heart medication.

4. An unexpected event has turned things upside down...

We will soon be taking on an additional 26 cats, following the relocation of the person who had been caring for them up to now... This means we will have no less than a hundred moggies to feed in total. We won't make it without your support!

Association Les Miss'tigris de l'Espoir
17c boulevard 1848
11100 Narbonne
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