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Canned food for Brioche

Clouded eyes, fever, growth delay: little Brioche is knocked out by cat flu!
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Canned food for Brioche
Clouded eyes, fever, growth delay: little Brioche is knocked out by cat flu!

288 cans

288 cans

Clouded eyes, fever, growth delay: little Brioche is knocked out by cat flu!

1. A severe virus completely knocks him down!

Brioche is a 5-week-old kitten, who was found in a garden. His mother was no longer feeding him: he weighed only 300 grams! Struck by severe cat flu, he has a fever and watery eyes. Thus, the veterinarian gave him an anti-inflammatory injection.

2. Canned food would help him catch up with his growth

While waiting for the medication to take effect, Brioche will need very nutritious food. Age-appropriate canned food would provide him with valuable vitamins, which would help him gain weight. Gradually, he would catch up with his retarded growth and regain better health.

3. An unexpected event turned everything upside down...

We are soon going to have to manage an additional 26 cats, following the relocation of the person who was taking care of them until now... This will represent no less than a hundred moggies to feed in total. We won't make it without your help!

Association Les Miss'tigris de l'Espoir
17c boulevard 1848
11100 Narbonne
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