Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Clark

Suffering from an autoimmune disease, Clark was incessantly losing weight!
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Canned food for Clark
Suffering from an autoimmune disease, Clark was incessantly losing weight!

288 cans

288 cans

Suffering from an autoimmune disease, Clark was incessantly losing weight!

1. He has a significant growth delay...

Clark is a 4-month-old kitten, who was continually losing weight (despite a belly bloated with worms). Tests have revealed that it's due to an autoimmune disease. We have therefore placed him in a foster home, where he receives care.

2. Canned food would help him catch up on his growth delay

In addition to the antiparasitic treatment, Clark is going to need very nutritious food. Age-appropriate canned food would provide him with precious vitamins, which would help him gain weight. Gradually, he would catch up on his growth delay and be in a better physical condition.

3. An unforeseeable event has turned everything upside down...

We are soon going to have to manage 26 additional cats, following the relocation of the person who was taking care of them so far... This will represent no less than a hundred of cats to feed in total. We won't be able to cope without your help!

Association Les Miss'tigris de l'Espoir
17c boulevard 1848
11100 Narbonne
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