Animal Webaction
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We can't let these 300 street cats starve!

SOS! In Sallèles-d'Aude, Maryse has almost run out of kibble to feed the 300 free cats who rely on her... the poor things are in danger of starving to death!
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We can't let these 300 street cats starve!
SOS! In Sallèles-d'Aude, Maryse has almost run out of kibble to feed the 300 free cats who rely on her... the poor things are in danger of starving to death!

1,000 kg
Dry food offered

1,000 kg
Dry food necessary

1. In France, Maryse has almost run out of kibble to feed the 300 free cats in her care... The poor things are in danger of starving to death!

"Our association currently feeds 300 free cats at a dozen different sites. Unfortunately, we're running out of food. We barely have enough left for a few days! The volunteers try as best they can to buy a trickle of low-cost kibble, but their resources are limited. On some sites, we are obliged to give the cats pasta, so as not to have to ration them...

This unsuitable diet has the effect of weakening the cats' immune systems. We're seeing an upsurge in coryza on many sites! As winter sets in, the poor things are likely to get weaker and weaker... Many of them won't survive if we don't get some good kibble into them soon!

2. Explosion in the number of kittens, increase in abandonments, unprecedented drop in donations... the association has its head underwater!

"This year, we had to take in twice as many kittens as last year, as well as around fifty new cats following abandonments. Feeding and caring for them has meant extra costs. As a result, we're running out of money and have no way of feeding all the street cats!

With inflation, the shopping cart operations are working very badly, and none will be possible for another two months. The next subsidies from the town hall will only come in March, and can only be spent on sterilisations and identifications. As for donations, they are down 30% on last year... Just like our volunteers, people have less means and can no longer support us. We can't manage without your help!"

3. Poor Grisouille developed serious skin problems as a result of the poor quality kibble...

"Grisouille is a four-year-old cat who has been living on the streets for over two years. She's very shy, but always eagerly awaits our arrival. The poor thing has serious skin problems: she regularly has bouts of acute dermatitis.

Her skin is very irritated and she has lost all her hair on her hindquarters. According to the vet, the problem is probably linked to her diet. Quality kibbles would enable us to feed her without triggering another attack. Otherwise, her condition is likely to worsen considerably...".

4. Maryse isn't asking for money, she just needs kibble to prevent street cats from starving.

"The association was set up in 2014, to help cats left behind. I devote my days to them, which represents around ten hours a day, even though I'm retired. It also means never straying too far or being away for too long, because they only have us to rely on.

With inflation, I'm afraid that the volunteers won't be able to keep up at all and will give up, which would make the situation even worse. Your help would enable us to break the deadlock we're in!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Sending kibbles

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Bien vivre avec les Chats Sallélois
22 Avenue René Iché
mairie de Sallèles
11590 Sallèles-d'Aude
FR France

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