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Blankets for Grizette

Breathing troubles, teary eyes, blocked nose: Grizette is unwell!
photo association
Blankets for Grizette
Breathing troubles, teary eyes, blocked nose: Grizette is unwell!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Breathing troubles, teary eyes, blocked nose: Grizette is unwell!

1. She's been stricken by a persistent virus...

Grizette is a 2-year-old cat that is battling severe respiratory difficulties. Indeed, she is enduring feline viral rhinotracheitis that wasn't adequately addressed in time. When we found her, we therefore placed her in a foster home, where she is now receiving care. Yet, she still has copious tear flow and a blocked nose.

2. Blankets could provide the comfort she so desperately needs

Weakened by this stubborn virus that shows no signs of letting up, Grizette is in dire need of rest. With blankets, she could stay well protected from drafty spots, while being comfortably settled in. This would be a good starting point to help her regain her strength!

3. We're stretching our budget to its limits!

Our association has been up and running since November 2022. Taking care of the town's stray cats is becoming increasingly challenging and hurdles are piling up. The subsidies are simply not enough... We find ourselves having to dip into our own pockets by hundreds of pounds each month. We can't keep this up indefinitely!

Association Les Chat'mis de Caramel
15 rue Anatole France
70200 Lure
FR France
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