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Canned food for Poupette

Poor Poupette is suffering from severe diarrhoea...
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Canned food for Poupette
Poor Poupette is suffering from severe diarrhoea...

192 cans

192 cans

Poor Poupette is suffering from severe diarrhoea...

1. She has no teeth left!

Poupette is a 14-year-old cat, who has gradually lost all of her teeth to gum disease. Today, she doesn't have a single one left. She can't chew and eat anymore!

2. She suffers from diarrhoea...

Suffering from digestive problems, poor Poupette frequently experiences bouts of diarrhoea. Only a special diet can manage to regulate her condition, but we can't afford to purchase it any longer.

3. Suitable wet food could help her regain strength

Being able to provide Poupette with sensitive canned food again would greatly aid her. Such food would be gentle on her intestines, consequently reducing her episodes of diarrhoea. She could effectively regain her strength, without the need to chew.

4. We no longer have the resources to provide suitable food for the animals...

I am unable to take in any more animals, as I am already caring for 24 cats in my shelter. There are also about a hundred stray cats that need feeding... Financially, the situation is extremely strained!

Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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