Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Résine

Poor Résine has a cancerous area around one of her eyes...
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Canned food for Résine
Poor Résine has a cancerous area around one of her eyes...

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Résine has a cancerous area around one of her eyes...

1. She has a severe eye problem…

Résine is a cat of around 14 years old, from whom the vet had removed a cancerous region in one eye. Unfortunately, the cancerous cells returned. Résine is now on antibiotics. However, the treatment diminishes her appetite and she is no longer able to eat dry food…

2. Canned food would help her regain strength

Palatable food such as canned food would encourage Résine to start eating again. She could thereby replenish her nutrients daily and greatly improve her chances of recovering!

3. We no longer have the means to provide the animals with suitable food...

I can no longer take in any new cats, as I already have 24 cats in foster care. There are also a hundred free-roaming tomcats to feed… Financially, the situation is exceedingly tight!

Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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