Poor Suzie was at risk of being left to fend for herself...
256 cans
256 cans
Scooter, an approximately 8-year-old stray cat, has both feline leukaemia and feline AIDS (FIV). Often extremely tired, he scarcely manages to rest effectively as he is living outdoors. In addition, he is losing his fur in patches…
According to the vet, Scooter is partially blind. This might explain why he constantly gets hit by bicycles and cars: he just doesn’t see them coming. As such, poor Scooter often ends up injured…
Over time, and due to the harsh outdoor conditions, Scooter has gradually lost all his teeth. Nowadays, he can no longer eat dry food, as he's unable to chew.
To survive outdoors, Scooter needs a diet rich in nutrients and easy to ingest. Canned food would offer him all the vitamins he requires and would aid him regain his strength. He would no longer need to search for food, thus reducing the risk of getting involved in another accident.
There have been many cats that went missing this year, due to fights over feeding grounds. But with the arrival of kittens, the number of mouths to feed has nevertheless increased.
The onset of winter further complicates our task: the most vulnerable animals will fall sick. They will need special care and diet, resources we are currently unable to afford…