Animal Webaction
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We cannot let the hundreds of dogs under Hind's care starve!

SOS! In Morocco, Hind is out of kibble to feed the hundreds of dogs in her care, they are going to starve!
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We cannot let the hundreds of dogs under Hind's care starve!
SOS! In Morocco, Hind is out of kibble to feed the hundreds of dogs in her care, they are going to starve!

2,500 kg
Dry food offered

2,500 kg
Dry food necessary

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Animal Webaction visited the site 08 February 2024 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Morocco, Hind will soon be out of kibble to feed the hundreds of dogs she cares for at her shelter and on the streets: they're going to starve!


"I am responsible for 80 dogs at my shelter, and several hundreds we feed daily on the streets. With only 7 days of kibble left, my worry grows each day. I watch helplessly as our remaining bags dwindle, we find ourselves trying to mix the few remaining kibble with leftovers to make our stock last just a little bit longer, while we hope for a miracle, and fear the moment we won't be able to sustain them at all anymore.

The sight of our dogs losing weight and growing weaker from not eating well is heart-wrenching, and so is seeing dogs in distress on the streets and not being able to rescue them. Our hands are tied with this shortage.

These dogs depend on us for their survival, the thought of failing to feed them terrifies me. Each day brings us closer to a point where we won't be able to feed them at all, we won't last long at this rate, we urgently need help."

2. Fights and diseases are already breaking out due to lack of kibble, Hind fears the worst if the shortage persists!


"The lack of kibble could have terrible consequences, leading to starvation, diseases, fights and deaths. We already see an increase in agressiveness and fights among our dogs, a situation mirrored on the streets. The survival of the weakest dogs is critically endangered, and the overall health of all the dogs is threatened.

My heart grows heavy with the thought of losing any of them to such desperate circumstances. The emotional toll of this shortage grows heavier as we use the last remains of our kibble supply, and get closer to a crisis I really dread."

3. Kibble is prohibitive, calls for donations remain unanswered: Hind feels helpless in avoiding the shortage, she needs this campaign!


"Efforts to find more kibble have been met with challenges and disappointment. I've reached out for donations, contacted suppliers, made public appeals, every possible avenue for help has been explored. But my appeals seem to fall on deaf ears, and costs are prohibitive, which leaves us with no option. 

I'm starting to feel utterly helpless, the constant battle for resources, and even more so for something as basic as kibble, has left me emotionally drained and desperate for a solution. Meeting the most fundamental needs of those we care for seems to be an overwhelming challenge, yet we cannot give up as there are lives at stake."

4. Hind isn't asking for money, only kibble to prevent the dogs from starving.


"My mission to save and care for these dogs hinges on my ability to secure more kibble. Without it, our rescue operations are in jeopardy, and the shelter's very functionality is at risk. New rescues cannot be considered without the assurance of being able to feed them, highlighting how crucial kibble is to our daily operations.

The future of our shelter, and on a larger scale of the whole population of stray dogs we support on the street, depends entirely on our success in finding more kibble. This shortage has therefore become our most pressing concern, as it compromises everything we've worked for for years to protect abandoned dogs."

5. Hind's days are filled with the ups and downs of animal welfare, as she battles on with patience and resolve.


"My dedication to animal welfare defines me. Yes, there are challenges on a daily basis, but each small victory, each dog saved from death, each adoption give me the strength to keep going. The amount of work needed to protect these dogs highlights the importance of raising social awareness for animal welfare.

Seeing the difference it makes in each rescued dog's life is all that's needed to keep fighting, and to realise how important this is. This is an emotional rollercoaster with all its ups and downs, and I live to see better days for animal welfare in Morocco. Still, I stand as proof that a single person can make a difference, and know that together we can an even more significant impact."

6. If this campaign succeeds, Hind will not receive any money but 2500 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistic platform in Morocco.

Animal Webaction has a logistic platform in Morocco, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.

7. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded. 

8. In Morocco, donors are rare, and there are no foundations or subsidies… It is very difficult to find funding for kibble, many cats are left starving in the street!


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Hind, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Hind's dogs, contact us, and we will put you in touch!

If you want to visit Hind's shelter to help her or if you want to send her some kibble or a cheque directly, please contact Hind via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).

9. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

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100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibble

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf

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We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures

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Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our +1000 Facebook reviews)


Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Association Comme Chiens et Chats Maroc
Résidence Farah B2 N35 Sidi Rahal Chatii
20 628 Berrechid - Sidi Rahal Chatai
MA Maroc
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