Fever, dehydration, hair pulled out, vomiting: Rox looked skeletal when we found him!
256 cans
256 cans
Bozo, a 3-year-old cat, is battling severe gingivitis. His gums are very red and swollen, making chewing increasingly difficult!
Weakened, Bozo has also contracted cat flu. Despite receiving medication injections, his eyes continue to run constantly! Poor Bozo is beginning to be exhausted by the accumulation of health issues...
Rich in high-quality ingredients, canned food would be perfect to re-energize Bozo. Such a diet would help him regain strength while allowing him to eat without gum pain. It would offer him a chance to gradually regain better health.
The situation is so dire that we had to stop accepting new animals. With 45 animals to feed, medical care to provide, and sterilizations to perform, our budget is completely overwhelmed!