Poor Minette lives outside even though she has a severe case of cat flu...
192 cans
192 cans
Cerise is a roughly 5-year-old cat who lives outdoors. No matter the weather, poor Cerise has nowhere to go. To feed herself, she eats whatever she can find, often leading to frequent diarrhoea.
Cerise is suffering from a strong case of cat flu. She coughs, sneezes, and has an ulcer near one eye. We will closely monitor this and plan to take her to the vet if her condition worsens.
Enriched with highly digestible proteins, canned food would help Cerise effectively regain her strength. She would have no trouble digesting them and could finally benefit from the good nutrients in her food.
Such a diet would support the resilience of her intestinal flora, while boosting her immune system's effectiveness. This would better equip her to recover from the cat flu she is suffering from.
Compared to last year, the association's budget is in deficit. And things might not improve: an individual has abandoned over 50 cats, which we now need to care for in addition to the fifty or so cats we are already looking after.
Many are old or sick and will probably never be adopted. The association has existed for eight years, but we have never faced such difficulties!