Fever, cough, blocked nose: little Hope was found suffering from a severe case of cat flu!
1,000 kg
Dry food offered
1,000 kg
Dry food necessary
The inflation that has plagued the country for several years now is strangling the budgets of French people... In the aisles of supermarkets, price tags display constantly increasing prices. Pet food, in particular, is experiencing an unprecedented surge in costs! For many people, providing for their loyal companions is becoming an insurmountable burden.
This problem is especially acute for low-income individuals who live alone and for whom a pet represents their only daily company. Overwhelmed by this escalating financial strain, some are pushed to the brink: they are forced to abandon their pets; while others contemplate this drastic step with heavy hearts...
At the heart of this crisis, heart-wrenching dramas unfold: tearful abandonments, driven by financial insecurity that has become unbearable! In an environment marked by inflation, France, already infamously known as the European country most affected by the abandonment of pets, risks seeing this grim record worsen further...
These last few years have marked a dark chapter in the history of French shelters, with an unprecedented number of abandonments: no less than 44,844 animals found refuge with the 'SPA' in 2023. When considering all the animal associations and shelters across the country, the figure soars to about 200,000 animals abandoned each year! Cats make up the overwhelming majority, accounting for more than 63% of the cases recorded by the 'SPA'...
The number of adoptions, affected by the same economic factors, is declining. Shelters are operating at full capacity all year round; they are saturated! In 2023, there was already a 1.5% decrease in adoptions compared to the previous year. Alas, this trend is far from reversing: nearly one in five French people could give up adopting a pet in 2024, according to an OpinionWay survey.
Faced with this alarming reality, animal associations and shelters are under tremendous pressure. Overwhelmed, they could face a drop in adoptions in 2024 that would force them to make tragic choices...
For dog and cat owners, the post-COVID period has been a tough blow, especially when it's time to stock up on pet food. Prices have seen a significant jump: +13% in 2022, +20% in 2023... The increase exceeds 30% over two years!
Cat food has been the most affected by inflation, but other products have not been spared either; with a 25% increase recorded for cat litter in 2023. This hike affects many households across France, as one in two French people owns at least one dog or cat. For those with the tightest budgets, these rising costs can become insurmountable...
In recent months, many concerned internet users have sought our help to support pet owners in precarious situations. In response to this issue, we are launching this kibble campaign, hoping to provide support, however modest, to owners faced with these heartbreaking choices, and to help mitigate the effects of this crisis for the animals and the shelters that welcome them.
By easing the financial burden that pet food represents on the budget of those in precarious situations, we aim to allow them to keep their animal with them. The task is doubly complex: the number of individuals in financial difficulty is constantly increasing, while donations are decreasing alarmingly...
A special campaign, intended for food banks and associations that help the underprivileged. Thanks to its logistics platform, Animal Webaction can intervene and deliver kibble quickly in France.
If you represent a food bank and need help to support your beneficiaries and their animals, submit a request here.
- The kibble will be delivered to a food bank and reserved for needy individuals (means-tested).
- We will publish delivery photos.
- If the kibble is not distributed within 30 days, all purchases made on this campaign will be refunded.
« Inflation. Les propriétaires d’animaux de compagnie aux abois ? », Breizh Info 11/03/2024. Available on : https://www.breizh-info.com/2024/03/11/230845/inflation-animaux-24/
« Animaux de compagnie : face à la hausse des prix, les Français moins prêts à adopter », Sud Ouest 18/02/2024. Available on : https://www.sudouest.fr/societe/animaux/animaux-de-compagnie-face-a-la-hausse-des-prix-les-francais-moins-prets-a-adopter-18628180.php
« Trop chers, ils sont abandonnés : les animaux de compagnie, victimes collatérales de l'inflation », TF1 Info 24/01/2024. Available on : https://www.tf1info.fr/societe/video-bonjour-la-matinale-tf1-animaux-trop-chers-ils-sont-abandonnes-christophe-beaugrand-2283797.html
« Des chiens, mais surtout des chats : la SPA a pris en charge près de 45 000 animaux en 2023, les adoptions en baisse », Sud Ouest 22/01/2024. Available on : https://www.sudouest.fr/societe/animaux/des-chiens-mais-surtout-des-chats-la-spa-a-pris-en-charge-pres-de-45-000-animaux-en-2023-les-adoptions-en-baisse-18241587.php
« Abandons et inflation : les propriétaires renoncent à leur animal de compagnie », Conso Globe 07/08/2023. Available on : https://www.consoglobe.com/inflation-7-des-proprietaires-se-sont-separes-de-leur-animal-de-compagnie-cg
« Inflation : les prix des produits pour animaux flambent, la SPA s'inquiète de l'impact sur les abandons et les adoptions », France Info 17/04/2023. Available on : https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/inflation/infographies-inflation-les-prix-des-produits-pour-animaux-flambent-la-spa-inquiete-de-l-impact-sur-les-abandons-et-les-adoptions_5774477.html
« L'augmentation du prix des croquettes assomme les propriétaires de chiens et chats », Le Populaire 12/02/2023. Available on : https://www.lepopulaire.fr/limoges-87000/actualites/l-augmentation-du-prix-des-croquettes-assomme-les-proprietaires-de-chiens-et-chats_14260383/