Poor Franklin was headed for the slaughterhouse!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Minette is a four-month-old kitten who lives outdoors, braving the daily cold and humidity. Poor Minette has nowhere to go, and she's never known the comfort of a loving home…
Weakened and vulnerable, Minette has ended up contracting a highly contagious disease common among stray cats. Because of the cat flu, one of her eyes is damaged and she keeps sneezing due to a completely blocked nose. It has significantly affected her appetite and she's not able to gain weight at a normal rate.
Blankets would provide Minette with crucial protection against the cold. By helping her maintain her body temperature, the blankets would protect her from potential hypothermia.
This would also give her a cosy place to rest, to enjoy some restorative sleep. She would then stand a better chance fighting off her illness.
We are dealing with a constant influx of kittens, many of whom are unfortunately unwell and require intensive and constant care.
Feeding a total of around thirty animals each day poses a significant logistical and financial challenge for our charity. Every day, we strive to meet their needs while overcoming these hurdles!