Minette lives outside under challenging conditions...
192 cans
192 cans
Chapic is a five-year-old cat who was found with her paw trapped in her collar. Because she's scared, she wouldn't let her family get close enough to remove it...poor dear spent six months like that! When the vet took her in, her collar was embedded in her flesh...
Due to the chronic stress she suffers from, Chapic often has diarrhoea. As a result, she's very thin and prone to becoming dehydrated easily.
Canned food specially designed to help the intestines regenerate would be perfect for Chapic.
Composed of highly digestible ingredients, it would allow her to finally properly absorb the nutrients her body needs. It would also be a good way to keep her hydrated, whilst showing her that we only want to do her well.
Despite a decrease in donations, the number of cats that we are responsible for is increasing. About thirty of these cats are unadoptable and remain at the association, not to mention a dozen kittens and all the new cats we're taking under our care.
On top of that, we have to feed 25 street cats, who also need our help greatly...Sadly, our resources are inadequate!