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Blankets for Iky

Suffering from a severe case of cat flu, the young Iky has a growth delay!
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Blankets for Iky
Suffering from a severe case of cat flu, the young Iky has a growth delay!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Suffering from a severe case of cat flu, the young Iky has a growth delay!

1. An illness has hindered his normal growth...

Iky is approximately three months old kitten that was found outdoors. Suffering from cat flu, his eyes are watery and he is experiencing stunted growth. For his age, he is really small!

2. Blankets would give him a warm place to rest

Polar blankets would provide Iky with a cozy spot to get the sleep he needs.

They would supply him with the much-needed warmth, especially beneficial for maintaining his body temperature (a crucial aspect for a kitten of his size).

3. We are running out of financial resources...

Our association is facing an increasing number of reports of abandoned cats and larger kittens, which is putting our resources under immense strain. Our coffers are running very low!

With the onset of winter, the cats have weakened and need to be revitalised. However, the costs of canned food and blankets are more than what we can currently shoulder...


Association Association d'Aide aux Chats Errants
46 rue Jean Bordier
45130 La Baule
FR France
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