Poor Mimine has a chronic illness that is worsened by the cold...
192 cans
192 cans
Bebere is a cat of approximately 14 years who is under the care of our association. He has skin problems: he has scabs, irritations and suffers from severe itching.
These symptoms often cause him to scratch until he bleeds! To reduce his irritations and soothe his itchiness, Bebere is currently on a course of tablet treatment.
Designed for cats with skin sensitivity, appropriate canned food would provide Bebere with nutrition that could alleviate his symptoms.
It would be an opportunity for him to regain strength without the risk of worsening his skin problems. It could also make it easier for him to take his medication.
We are faced with the management of numerous elderly cats, which results in considerable veterinary expenses.
Despite the heightened visibility of our association thanks to your support, we are often still forced to dig into our own pockets to cover the various costs. We cannot continue to shoulder this burden indefinitely; this is why we are once again asking for your help…