Dehydrated and malnourished, the young Strong was found with a very virulent case of cat flu!
256 cans
256 cans
Tchoupie is a cat of around 14 years old, who is going through a tough time following the loss of his companion.
This bereavement is deeply impacting him; he's no longer himself, has lost a lot of weight, has become withdrawn and sleeps a great deal. His change in behaviour is noticeable and concerning...
Canned elderly-cat food could help Tchoupie recover his strength healthily. Their easy-to-eat texture and rich nutrients could assist him in putting on weight, and regaining a little of his previous energy.
This food would also be more appetising for him, encouraging him to eat despite his depressive state. Being able to enjoy such delicious food would undoubtedly lift his spirits enormously!
We have a lot of work and are doing our best to cope, despite challenging times marked by numerous losses.
We're trying to equip ourselves to feed and care for around sixty cats, spread between my home and the cat shelter. But it's becoming increasingly difficult financially...